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nice today ?

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Dr-Legend | 11:36 Mon 16th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Will you do something nice today?
Not necessarily for yourself , but maybe for someone else?
It doesnt have to be a grand displasy or anything like that but just something nice to either make someone smile or just to try and cheer them up .

"Nice is as nice does .Nice begets nice. "


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looks like i will :)
I am in a bit of a mood at present, having struggled into work with great difficulty due to my tube line not working.


I am the one who needs cheering up!!!

What's worst my Boss is sitting right behind me today!!

I think they've caught on to how much work I do!!!! Lol.....
I'd like to do something nice for someone...

Any ideas or inspiration....?!
tell the Police about leg end's sexual past and possibly present
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Nat whered you stay?
City or town ?

You could make some sandwiches and wander down to the nearest parrk , or wherever else there are some homeless folk and give them the sandwiches.

Or even just call up someone youve never spoken to for ages to see how they are .thats an easy nice there.

"Nice is as nice does .Nice begets nice. "

Im in Baker Street, London, sat in a very bored office. I do have Regents Park across the road, could go there...

But not many homeless people around here.

I am looking into doing some voluntary work with my friends though, so definitely thinking along the "nice" lines..!

What about yourself? Done anything "nice"?
Did somethng nice the other day.

A woman in front of me in the queue in Morrison's left her bank card in the reader - the cashier noticed after I'd paid for my things, so I chased her out to her car as she was about to leave the car park and I told her she'd left it - all this despite the fact that I was on my way into work and in danger of making myself late.

My day off today so it's sod all (for anyone and everyone)
nat as i said do not disclose any details to leg end, he is a well known sex predator and has tried to prey on some of the females on here.

you have been warned

i believe the is a group on face book, where this may have been mentioned. see there for details
Such a nice day. El tel has been to see nursey and he does not have diabetes (check him every year and they seem disappointed!) and no dvt from the hol either.

So, any excuse, not working and are going out for lunch and a wander round the shops to celebrate!

An entirely selfish day and what the hell.....

lol thanks for the warning, i'll be more careful next time...!!

Judge nutmeg, that is nice! not many people like us kind folk these days, few and far between! A lady forgot to take her cash from the machine once before walking off, which i notified her of and handed her the money (whilst sneaking a cheeky �20 into my back pocket for my troubles.. lol only joking!) x

Yeah sure have. Sent some flowers to a top girl. Got me and mate half price tickets for Springsteen last Saturday. Cheers hun you're the best!!!
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Nat i wouldnt hold much interest in anything the johnny rotting posts.
Hiding behind the name is a sure sign of weakness.

Today i helped an old spaqnish lady up the stairs with her granny trolley as she was struggling.

She seemed happy and said muchas gracias .

So nice job done eh ?

"Nice is as nice does .Nice begets nice. "

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