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legends word of the day june 9th

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Dr-Legend | 10:33 Mon 09th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Todays word is CHEERY.
What does it mean to you and why.
Usual rules apply.



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Leggy ????????????????

I thought you'd vanished.

WHat r the "usual rules" ?
And do you mean cherry as in ...

cherry the fruit?

cherry tomatoes?

lose your cherry?

the colour cherry?
Question Author
Moi vanish ?

Thats just never gonna happen is it ?

Usual rules are typos , misspellings and puntuational mistakes and grammartickle ones too are allowed.
Its not a quiz or a job application.

But then you knew that didnt you?
Playin a blinder btw.
But youve got a tell , and ive spotted it .

Im callin ya lol.
Question Author
cheery !!!

Mr PokeHer player, eh?

Are you secretly Victoria Coren ??????????

Or Devilfish?
Question Author
Im noone but me.
But then you know that.
Anyways id love to shoot thec breeze all day with you and banter too and fro playing the game.
But theyre outside my shop with that kango hammer digging up the tiled terrace and its driving me mad.
Away to listen to my ipod and relax.

Later though , and there will be a later no doubt .

Ciao ciao
Or that one who always has a strop and walks away from the table

Phil Helmuth I think !!??

Which one are you Leggy?
Question Author
Im only me.

But you are ......................................

Ciao ciao
someone who has a pleasant disposition
It reminds me of Sergeant Cheery Littlebottom of The Watch.

Can one be presumptuous and assume that this little ad perpetuum rei memoriam confab of the lingua franca on the confabulation you so oft present will suffice in your interminably dreary educational endeavours.
Aww, christine847, you sound lovely. Help me give Leggy a bit of stick :-)) He's an old grumps.

I'm still puzzling over the posting from Mr Octavius Pratchett (above)
its the words that will describe me tomorrow if we beat the Dutch tonight
thank you joggerjayne
Pleasure christine847.

We're having a bit of fun on the post called "own up ladies". You should pop over and join in. x

Trying to persuade a couple of the rufty tufty blokey ABers to have cybersex, but they're proving a bit shy. :-)
Hey Octavius, you a Discworld fan???
I must admit that 'Cheery Littlebottom' was the first thing that I thought of, too............
Aye B00, t'is true.

Sorry for the delay, I was "entertaining" a couple of ladies over lunch.
Ya see Octavius? You're a Discworld fan too, it's destiny I tell ya!

What do ya mean you were entertaning ladies? Huh? HUH???
Too true B00.

They pretended to enjoy themselves whilst I paid.
mr dustypuss poped my cheery last night :-)

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legends word of the day june 9th

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