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Good morning

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bensmum | 06:30 Sat 07th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Itt's the weekend!! Have a great one everyone - I have to go to work in a minute unfortunately but the sun is shining out there which makes everything look better. See you later


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Good morning to you too Bensmum - I noticed from one of your posts you are on the edge of the New Forest as am I, which bit? (I'm Hythe)
morning bensma and hythe-and all who follow--enjoy
Morning all...enjoy the sunshine ...have a
good day ...
Morning bensmum, hellyon and beejay.
Im now at work after cycling in the rain.
Didnt post yesterday as I had to have a fasting blood test at 9am so I stayed in bed until 8.45 so I wouldnt be tempted to have breakfast. Dont know how people can go to work everyday not having a brekkie ????
Blimey how early do I have to get up to beat you on here bensmum? lol Morning, its dull and dreary here :( Maybe it will brighten up later.

Morning everyone else :)
Good morning all, Hiya helli, hope you are all well, I am well happy today cos the lovely Julie is visiting us again for a few days, gonna have a really good laugh, she is so lovely. speak later all take care and enjoy the weekend. xx
Monng all,its a hot one here today.
Morning bensmum honey , hope you are well , you were up early for a weeekend ! :-)
Morning Hellyon , beejay , burston , Psychick , ray , and hu kola :-)
Good morning all.
Great not having to get up early for work.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Morning cruella sweetheart :-D xxxxxxx
afternoon all its piddleing down here. whats it doing where you are, i tried to do a bit of gardening but got cold and wet so have come in now to have some lunch
It's been sunny here ..but still a nip in the
air getting cloudy ..I think it will rain ..
but lovely to have the windows open ...
so ruthann 58 where are you ?
I'm in the south east not far from Brighton ...

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Hello everyone - just done some gardening (ouch!) and now enjoying coffee and muffins. Still great here - I live near Romsey Hellyon.
hi bensma--just thought i'd say that--- a real scorcher here again
hi im between lowestoft and great yamouth its not raining now just cloudy and chilly

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Good morning

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