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Be honest, have you ever shoplifted?

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Rtaxron | 01:09 Sat 07th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
73 Answers
I have but, would never do that at a small corner shop.

I get a kick at of weighing in loose fruit & vegetables at the self checkout at supermarkets.
Example....... by selecting potatoes (heaviest) on the touch screen, and weighing in mushroom's, so much cheaper that way. : - )


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Elvis seems to be confusing the carrying of guns with the use of guns. I currently know several people who carry guns but I can't imagine any of them ever using them except in an emergency (i.e. when they'd no alternative to use it other than to save their own life). Two of them are small time drug dealers, one is a copper and the others are 'respectable' business people.

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Naaa, I hate horse racing, don't even have a flutter now.

To many times in the past I have been given tips from the so called racing experts of Newmarket to put my house on a horse.

If I had, I would be living in a cardboard box now. : - )
Oh well, time for bed.

'Night all!

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Goodnight Chris.
night chris, sorry if I made it awkward for you at all with your location etc.
Night Chris

Rtaxron, my mate lives in Moulton and I stay there when I go racing, he sells cheap fags to all the stable lads, too many tips flying around, but have a bet on Tajaaweed in the Derby
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Cheap fags Elvis!!!!!!

Let me know when you come to Newmarket again, wouldn't mind a few packets.

I am only 6/8 minutes from Moulton.
6/8 minutes? thats a �15 cab fair by the robbing bastads up there!

We drink in The Plough in Moulton, loads of jockeys and trainers go in there, I`m fookin starstruck when I go in there
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The Plough is in Ashley Elvis, not Moulton and a taxi fair from Newmarket is only about �7-8.

I know because I am a taxi driver. ; - )
Soz, you are right, The Plough in Ashley, my mate lives in Moulton, you`ve probably drove past his bungalow, the one with the red phone box in his front garden
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Yes Elvis,

Seen the red telephone box on the right hand side before you come to the junction, small world ain't it?
lol, aint it just, I`ll call you next time I need a taxi then
When I was 9 I sneaked a sweetie from the counter, and have felt bad ever since.

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Be honest, have you ever shoplifted?

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