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hearing dogs for deaf people

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purplepower | 13:58 Thu 29th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
proverbs or sayings
1)5 by your own 7. 2)5 is the9 not the end of 6. 3)let the 10 fit the 5 .4)the 7-7 starts with a 6 step . 5)6 is a 6 does.


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3 - Let the punishment fit the crime.
let the punishment fit the crime
2 - Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom
1 hoist by your own petard
learn by your own mistake
4 the longest journey starts with a single step
4. The longest journey starts with a single step
A feminine version of Handsome is as handsome does is Pretty is as pretty does. ( ( Cassell's Dictionary of Proverbs )
I believe Forrest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid does".
The first one is more likely to be "learn by your own mistakes" as petard only has 6 letters.
Question Author
Thanks for all your help.
and mistakes has 8 letters so neither answer fits exactly!
lol true.

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hearing dogs for deaf people

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