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4GS | 09:49 Thu 29th May 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Morning all.

Anyone else on Facebook find this application additive? I spent hours on it last night


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Morning John - I spend ages with my friend Bear on the instant message thingy...
morning john-i spend ages with my friend Di on the instant message thingy
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How do you both get on at the same time? One of my friends was on at the same time as me and even when we were both in the same place, IE the furniture store we couldn't see each other,
LOL at Bear - and I was on the phone to him at the same time! So men can multi task!!
I installed it and then removed it as I found it quite boring.I play Sims 2 on my PC a lot and that makes yoville seem a bit primitive.
Hello john , I was on there last night , pity I didn't see you I would have said hi and had a chat , in fact , I didn't see any ABers last night on there :-) xxxxxx
Perhaps we should all sign up to 'Second Life' and we could all live in an AB commune, party lots and look even more gorgeous than we actually do!!

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