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Americans and there music

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puddicat | 20:05 Sun 25th May 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I know that they population wise are extra large, but they seem so steeped in rock and dont move forward when it comes to new music trends apart from the odd band!!!!!


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What about R&B and rap then?
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rap let me see sorry cant see much more of a future for rap, give u r @b its ok, but you dont see much like our kinda of british music but there again we have always been forward thinking
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oh dont get me started on country yee ha!
Can't agree with that one puddicat they have a rich history of blues, jazz, blue grass, swing, country and western, zydeco, rock and roll, rock, metal, pop, disco, r n b, hip hop the list goes on....
The music tends to be more instrument based than european music, the europeans embraced electronic music in a bigger way.
What you have to remember with US it is so large you only ever hear a tiny proportion of what comes out of it. There are bands over their that are huge in their own states and make a more than good living but no-one else has heard of them.

Having said that the Brits in particular do seem to have reputation for pushing boundaries and starting new trends...but not all of them are good and even over here there have been no real new music trends for several years now.
Have you got a thing against other nationalities in general?
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hellyon cos they dont get a chance its really hard to break america, and as for electronic music the bands that are making there name dont use electronica they use talent!!!!!, going back to music roots and not needing anything but sheer hard work, remember we are just a small island compared to the states, think we do really well think the states in some quarters are stuck in a time warp!
Rock has its roots in alll the other various musical idioms that hellyon is the ultimate American music......and without it much of today's music would not have developed. if you are really into your music,you would also know that many of todays most creative artists are constantly referring back to makes them what they are don't knock it. As the saying goes-if it ain't broke don't fix music works on so many levels!.
When you visit the USA, each State is so different. Sometimes it is like visiting a different country from State to State. This also applies to music as well as culture.
The country is so vast, there is no way you could compere it to the UK, even with their music.
We got an anti-spanish post yesterday, now an anti-american...Should I go hide?
Have you ever been to an American music store?

More genres that you can shake at.

I really do not know what "music trends" you are referring to.

They started rock 'n' roll in the 60's.

Were very on the ball with glam and punk in the 70's

Adhered well too New Romantics in the 80's

Started grunge in the early 90's.

All the acid dance sh!te in the 90's was a joint enterprise.

Re-invented easy listening in th early 00's

And have some very popular indie bands nowadays with The Killers, Flaming Lips, Kings of Leon etc.

They even took kindly to the truly foul Leona Lewis.

Preytell, what do you mean?
Sorry started rock and roll in the 50's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol... it started well before the 1960's - have a peek at this wiki article on Robert Johnson (1911 -1938) usician)

... now that was music in the offing.

Listening to Robert Johnson's Blues music still sends the hairs on my arms up vertical !
I saw Stars of the Lid on Tuesday and was blown away by their soundscaping. Band of Horses captured my heart with their folk infused rock, and Les Savy Fav made me wnat to strut down the street and punch the air.

It's not all Nickleback and nu-metal...

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Americans and there music

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