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Cr Cr Cr Crumbs

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Abdulmajid | 18:49 Fri 23rd May 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
When finishing a bag of crisps or nuts (particularly dry-roasted) do you wet your finger and dab the powder-come-salt at the corner of the empty packet.

Or is this considered common?


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And Yes.
its akin to licking the plate Abdul and should be avoided
Definitely common,it rates alongside twirling chewing gum around the finger.
and no
Soooo common for someone like
you Joe .....didn't think you would
ever eat a bag of nuts or crisps ..
So are you now in Brighton or
Bristol you now have a girlie !!
Good Luck ..
No, you up-end the pack and pour the dust into your mouth, that way you get the maximum salt and msg, a noisy disgusting uncouth habit, only for behind closed doors.
Question Author
In Bristol.

I haven't actually said I do dab, but I think I do subconsciously.

Crisps are good, however I must say.
goodness me no!
You turn the bag inside out, put it on your hand like a glove puppet and suck and lick it all over!
ROFL @ crisgal
crisgal has said it all.

Besides who would ever worry about being thought common or not.
what does ROFL mean?
Rolling On Floor Laughing

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Cr Cr Cr Crumbs

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