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my hair is greasy have no Heating

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puddicat | 18:12 Sat 17th May 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Sitting here in my own filth,i hate gas services, this has gone on since thursday, my boiler apparently needs a pcb, cos they don t keep them on the wagon so they have to order them, so now monday if the pcb gets delivered, working shifts fed up of trying to arrange things! so from one stinging aber to you fresh uns!!!!!


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I hate that, when I moved into this house the heating was faulty, it has taken nearly a month to sort out, I used to have to boil water to have a wash :S

Aww hun -things could be a lot worse -just think of those peeps who are really suffering in China for example.

I aint preaching cos that gets on my t!ts as well but its warm outside -we can put a jumper on later and in the whole scheme of things its just a wee glitch inn yer life.

I'll be dotting on and off so we'll keep ya cosy and comforted and there might even be a wee spat later (when the drinks in) for added entertainment !!


(you dont even want to know how I spelt entertainment before I posted -u thought supercali................was a long word well i was watching the tele and got carried away lets say lol !!

Chin up x
I agree with that dris, I feel fortunate just to have a roof over my head and food on the table
Its not nice not being able to have a wash, shower or bath. Hope you get sorted soon. x
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thanks mister not looking at comparing myself with china burma or other countries that are suffering!!just chattin with the abers
Its only bleeding heating she's missing FFS

Man -if all I had to worry about was washing in cold water and scooshing some deoderant -I personally would be ecstatic mistreL !!!

WOW -to have the life of Reilly lol

yes, I thought that was a bit harsh for others to compare your situation to China/Burma. We all know that we are well off to have heating/water etc, and its a pain in the ass when the service is interrupted. Not haviing gas since Thursday is totally unreasonable and I hope you are going to get compensation.
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not worrying driffield just making some converstion
"its only bleeding heating" drisgirl but what if she has a young child or elderly relative that RELIES on that heating?? and not to mention hot water. We take it for granted yes but come on, its been since Thursday.
misterL -get over it -some was tonque in cheek and the poster obv saw this -man -my nannie brought up 12 kids without any of the creature comforts we take for granted today -catch yerself on man -honestly -its only bleeding hot water she's missing FFS

I assume puddi you still have electricity -hence you can postso boiling a kettle up to give yerself a freshen up wont be a prob and then further boiling said kettle up -maybe a couple of times will get your hair washed in the sink -lol

O boy -you get them -dont ya !!!!.

That misterL has been nippy today-wonder why -like I could give a flyer really lol

puddi -its a bl00dy nuisance but worse things happen at sea xxxx
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driffield not a worthy input
Whats up puddicat ..(As Tom Jones would say)....
Still at least Grease is the word ....

I have man flu and have not washed my hair today either ...

In fact not washing your hair is good for your hair. saw a prog on TV once , where someone did not wash hair for a month. They fealt like crap, however it gave their hair life.

Damn ...I'm starting to sound GAY...talking about hair and things ...grab for beer, as I scratch my nuts and fart ...thats better ...Gayness now purged....
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randy its ongoing maybe monday maybe not
puddicat ....Just lick yourself ...thats what cats do ...but takecare not to get furball.

Go for a swim. It's good exercise and you get to use the showers.
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dont do swimming but will go to the gym and enjoy the shower after!
puddicat ....Yes I understand that puddicats don't like water.
You could use my shower If you want ?
However I'm on a water meter, so it would have to be a short shower. A cat lick.

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my hair is greasy have no Heating

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