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Forgetting your Wife's/ G/F Anniversary!

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Rtaxron | 14:20 Thu 15th May 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Is it really that serious and important to you Ladies.
There was an article in my paper about it today.
I don't think its that bad, and I have forgot several times, but Women seem to get very upset about it..


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I dont, most of the time I forget it myself.
I would be upset (I'm a woman), I like my man to remember special dates and show he thinks about these things.

Question for you rtaxron: Why do you men not get upset? If your g/f was to forget a date that was special to you, would you not be upset?
I would rather hit my foreskin with a hammer than forget. The pain would be far worse!
Because , us girls deserve to be spoiled and love that fact that our man remembers the things that ARE important!

Just think of the brownie points you'll score by remembering and going to an effort to make your lady feel special (if you knw what I mean!!)
yeah baby! Playing hide the sausage is a plus point to remembering such important dates
Spaced - it shouldn't be the ONLY reason to remember! But as long as us girls THINK you remember out of the goodness of your heart, then we're all to ready to play!

Or is that just me!!!
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I would be upset if she forgot my Birthday, but not that bothered about wedding anniversaries.
I agree Andrea, if they make the effort then they'll be rewarded! ;-)
I think if my birthday was forgotten, I'd very upset indeed!!

But wedding anniversaries, I am not bothered about.
As time goes on, there's not much to celebrate!!! Lol.
why not make your wedding day on your birthday, that will teach him to forget MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Yes, we'll let them off leaving the toilet seat up just this one time!!!! LOL

Oh I do like to tease! Tee Hee!
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Why do you think its a reward if they make the effort?
Why do some women seem to think its a bonus if they let their other half have a bit of rumpy?

That's what you are there for, ; - )
I don't think any anniversaries are important at all, so no, I couldn't care less. I'd be upset if he forgot my birthday, but there's no chance of that- I talk about it for ages beforehand! :)
Cazzz I like the way you think!

Andrea - Just the once, we don't want them getting into bad habits lol!

Rtaxron - I'd prefer my other half to remember because an anniversary is a special date. My other half can remember the first time we went on a date - he's super good!

Thats a naughty thing to say! Us girls are here for far more than that! (and no not the ironing!)
I'm just saying if I knew he had made the effort he would probably be rewarded more than if he sat there and looked like he couldn't care less!

The men in our lives know we're the ones in control - they'd have nothing without us - no clean clothes or bonuses!
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Sorry, forgot about the cooking and cleaning the car, :-)
Well it's nice to know I am still appreciated but no biggie if he forgets. Mind you my birthday is 15th his is 17th and I insisted we got married 16th so he had some chance of remembering lol!
Right then, I am proverbially smacking your bum for that!!!! ;0p

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