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Went to Alton Towers today.

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jonnoman | 19:40 Thu 17th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
It was fun, except from the cold weather and the cr@p traffic jam on the way back :(


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Havn't been there for years now, hope you had a good day :o)
Never been-but its been baltic here today -not a day for going out -mind you our kids have been back a week now -not that I have school age ones just live next to a school !

Why cant they have the Easter holidays closer to the better weather ?
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Yeah, i went on everything twice! It was really quiet! I go like, every month and it never gets old.
You go every month? I go to a theme park about once a year if that, and then I become the designated handbag holder cos I'm such a wuss and don't like spinny rides.
I love going on rides, the more scarier the better!!!

Nemesis is one of my favourites!
omg I think I actually peed a little on that funnygirl!!!
It is scary.

Last time I went I was sorry to see that the Black Hole had closed down!
Lucky you, jonno! Did you go on Oblivion? I always tell myself never again, but then I'm forced to the next time. I always almost cry on the way up. :)
Do you have the Merlin Annual Pass, jonnoman? I assume you would have, otherwise you would need a second mortgage to go there once a month.

Hope this does not break the Site Rules, but if any of you ABers still in tough with the inner child in them want to go to Alton Towers, or other parks I would recommend to save your wallet the Merlin Group Annual Pass. It now costs �110 (previously �95), and includes unlimited entry for a year to many parks, including Alton Towers and Thorpe Park. For more details see:

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Went to Alton Towers today.

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