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kawa4 | 20:14 Tue 15th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
who knows were i can by a cheap rug. the one i got is getting a bit thin. the problem is it's still to cold when i go 2 work in the mornings.


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what sort of rug you after kawa? Please dont tell me you mean the sort for your head! ;-)
ebay. stuff so cheap there. like missiles and planes and rugs and stuff.
Question Author
yes of course.julie i hope i aint spoilt ur dream's of me lol
errrr errrrr, i cant say its a look i find attractive to be honest, be natrual! Its the best way!

I was going to tell you to have a look in Argos until i realised what you meant ;-)
ye can get a "see you Jimmy" tartan hat wi hair attached here in Glesga fur a pound
Hi kawa jules , Argos :-) xxx
Question Author
hi weeal n bigmumma hope ur both well. argos is ok but there rugs dont like the tumble dryer
Ikea have loads of rugs!!
Question Author
lol weeal if u want shall i get a rug 4 under ur kilt
pmsl - i dont wear a kilt, im a girlie
Question Author
hi hollie. ye i no thanks but thay dont lay right lol
hi kawa4, I could knit you a wee bunnet that you could wear instead of your erm 'syrup'. :)

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sorry weeal wont 4get hun. lolhaysi
Question Author
hi haysi. lol
what about a flying carpet that could TAKE you to work? huh?
Question Author
i think it would b 2 windy weeal lol

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