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If you were to pull out

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DONNNAKEBAB | 09:16 Sat 12th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
your sofa as I have just done, to hoover behind it.

What would you find?

I have just found half a dozen pens and lighters, sweet wrappers and lots of other junk.

I felt ashamed.

Katie. x


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Hi katie , it would be lots of dog hairs , they get everywhere!
mine would be dog hairs also, I'm obsessive about hoovering and clean under the sofas every day lol, morning's you today? xx
I'm goog today sandrajo thankyou honey , yes you have to hoover several times a day when you have a big hairy dog;-)
Lol...good* even
I hoovered out underneath the computer table in my daughters room and it was truly shocking, wrappers, crumbs, pens,fluff?!
A big huge spider crawled under there a few days ago, even though logic says that it's probably gone by now, I would be too petrified to look! Ahhhh!
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Oh, glad its not just me then lol.

Cazzz, I have yet to get behind the computer desk although I must say I have cleaned the darned thing this morning of its coffee cup stains, letters for previous occupier (from 5 years ago) and the works.

I am dreading going behind it.

I did the dishwasher, tumble dryer and fridge last week.



Katie. x
Spiders ...there's always a spider when I move out the tv to hoover behind it , even though I got rid of the last spider !
Sneaky little devils .
Its always cat fur and little balls with bells in for me.Oh, and crisp packets made into little balls supposedly for the cats but the dog always steals them.I find those everywhere, even down the bed.
Christ I just found Lord Lucan and a big fur ball.
Hi Katie. I'm a real **** when it comes to housework! I hardly ever move furniture when I'm vacuuming. x
ray, no worries, i left him there, put him back will ya please!
Lol @ ray.Youve cheered me up this morning.
Well those asterisks weren't mine!! All I said was 5lut! What's wrong with that? x
That AB filter seems stange indeed Bathsheba hun .:-)
hiya julie and kola cube and everybody else, I have put him back julie, what about the fur ball, you want that to knit a new cardy?
no, the fur ball was yours, i saw you cough it up and hide it under there so mrs sparx wouldnt see it!
You're right mamma! Don't think I've ever been censored before!
How are you feeling today?
Fine thankyou Bathsheba sweets :-) xxxxx
Lol @ the fur ball jules :-D
6 semen stained tissues, 8 used condoms, 5 pairs torn panties, remains of last nights curry supper.

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