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shannon Matthew's

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Jillius | 16:11 Mon 07th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
I reckoned all along that the mother had something to do with her disappearance. She never looked that upset while shannon was missing. They probably thought they could get loads of money out of it cos they are too thick to realise they could get away with it.


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and a fag in his mouth
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They must have had paper bags over their heads!!!! Lol.
Was she really with him since he was 17? That would have only made Shannon 4 when her mum got together with him? So are all the kids that are younger than Shannon his then?
I believe they have a 3year old girl together!!!
I think I read that two of the children were his, not sure.
maybe I'm wrong then, it could be just one.
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Tony 11
Ian 10 - with father
Shannon nine,
Daniel seven - with father
Kelly six - with father
Cameron five
Courtney two

I guess if she was with him from 17 then two could be his.
Just the youngest is his Nat.
Now that the mother has also been arrested, who is looking after the other children? Would they all be better off in foster care?
Its documented that she said -before Shannon was found -she was angry thta she had ONLY been offered 20k and the McCanns had a million-she implied it was becuase id the 'class' divide.

I didnt trust her from the word go and I dont trust her now.

Its pitiful she is such a callous mother -I know innoient until proven guilty -make your own minds up -I personally think she is a shallow B and that Shannon has been a victim of the most henious acts possible -her own Mum -beggars belief !!!!
The stepfather's sister has said that an affair had been going on for months between the alleged kidnapper and Shannon's mum. Apparently the mum was going to tell the stepfather that she was leaving him for his uncle. I am finding it increasingly difficult to figure out who is telling the truth in all of this. At least the children are well out of it all now and Shannon seems happy with her foster parents.
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Glad my family are not like that ..
everyone has a black sheep but
even Shannon's Grandma has said from
day one that the Stepdad was a wierdo ..
at least the little is now safe and well ..
The mother is well odd ..7children ..
5 fathers having a fling with the
uncle who abducted her daughter ...
a sicko ...
You are all being unkind, this is a kind caring loving family unit.

Please excuse my writing in crayon but they won't allow me anything sharp in here.
Hi Spockie ..have missed your droll
wit ..but it is now a very sad society ...
no child asks to be born ...and then abused ...
I thought it odd that her mother was so adamant that her daughter had been 'kidnapped', 'somebody's holding her' she kept saying, I looked at her body language and thought then she knew more than met the eye about it. I know no mother wants to think of their child as dead, but she just didn't seem worried or axious enough - any fool can cry - I can think of a sick puppy and cry. I just hope that Shannon comes out of all this reasonably unscathed and happy

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