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Have you read the posts ..

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theonlyone | 21:06 Thu 03rd Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
on Chatterbank tonight ?? Think they
are bit sad and dire ..any comments ..


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Ive just logged on and to be honest some of them are too much to wade through :S
Mine are great though !
As usual
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most of it is a load of rubbish ..why bother
to do it ..
Well theonlyone, I vote you to give us something good to answer (no offence to anyone who has already posted a question tonight) :o) - x
Well go and rummage through the dustbins then will be more life in there
Although I have posted a question on Chatterbank
recently, I normally don't frequent the site, I prefer News TV Food and Drink etc where you get good feedback!Chatterbank is usually full of
spaces and abbreviations!

Don't really see much point in commenting that they are dire and sad if you aren't going to say anything of worth yourself to be honest!!
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That was a great reply Mary T !!!
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helliebobs ..if I posted an in depth
question on here ..what would happen ..
all the numptys on the band wagon ..
I just said it was sad and you replied ..
so ..what...
Well you did ask for any comments and that was mine, wasn't having a go just saying what I thought!
there is no one of any intelligence on here yet bar me and much less a personality
I'm hurt, bob! No brownies for you now. :(
oh bob, you're such a card!!! ;-) always the joker!

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