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Ive taken up swimming again!!

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taliesin238 | 22:13 Wed 26th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I just LOVE swimming and its an excercise that i can do with my dody health n stuff. Anyone else love swimming and go regulary?? Thing is im going tomorrow for the first time by myself. Why does it seem so daunting to me?? Ive never gone in the past before by myself because it just doesnt seem right. Maybe its a confidence thing? Ive always put off going for years because i have never known anyone else who enjoys swimming and would come with me. Im not using it as an excuse anymore though. I wont let it hold me back. im going tomorrow by myself i have decided!! Anyone else get these feelings about going places and doing certain activities??


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I wish I could swim! I can only manage half a breadth doing doggie paddle then im puffed out lol

I know what you mean about going on your own, I feel the same and havent done it but think that after the first time it wont seem so bad?

Go for it girl
It's fine to go swimming on your own. Lots of people go on their own, they probably do more swimming that way, instead of just chatting to their friend (like I do, when I go with my friend). I wish I had the motivation to go on my own, but feel very lazy recently. Well done to you for having the self discipline.
I go quite a bit I love it, bit of a hassle taking my boy though and getting us both ready so tend to go when I've got someone else with me, or go on my own in the evening some times. I'm a proper water baby, I should've been born under a different star sign.
As for the confidence thing I understand how you feel but I'm one of those people who don't really give a toss what other people think so I don't mind but yes you do wonder if people will think you look fat in your swimming costume and stuff like that - at the end of the day they are there to do the same thing as you and probably have the same worries as you so just go for it, life is too short!!!
I went swimming a couple of Tuesdays ago for the first time in years at our local leisure centre (I have been swimming on holiday - but not at swimming baths!). I was really nervous going but after I'd been I couldn't understand what I was worried about. I went to the dinner time session (12pm) and after paying and changing was a bit lost as to where to enter the pool - but it was obviously the opposite way to the entrance/exit to the changing rooms! I just jumped in the pool and started swimming and soon realised that nearly everyone else there was on their own. There was nothing to it! I really enjoyed it and have been going twice a week. Why I felt so nervous I can't understand, but now I've been 4 or 5 times I feel like an old pro! Go - enjoy yourself, you'll feel really proud of yourself when you've done it!
It's too cold!!!!
Mind you, I am a good swimmer.

I used to swim for my school and then used to go swimming for leisure.

It used to keep me fit.

I haven't swam for years as I don't live near a pool!

When I go on holidays, I swim for my dear life!!!
I love swimming too. I usually go with one or the other of our daughters & grandchildren.

I've often been on my own too & definitely do more lengths that way! I dive in intending to do a few, but soon build up to ten & so on. I take it nice & slow - no rush! The most I can remember doing is 32 lengths, which was quite invigorating - considering I didn't learn to swim until I was 28!

Good for body & mind - so go for it tali & good luck.

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