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animated words

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justineo | 21:12 Fri 21st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
my daughters just asked me how to get the little animations on instant messenger when you type a word. Like the word no and it flashes or you type sorry and a pic of eeyore saying sorry comes up. Hope someone will know what i'm on about, dont use im myself much.



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I'm not sure where they all come from but I've got loads that I've pinched off friends by right clicking on it when they send it and selecting add from the menu that comes up. Mine are mostly all quite blue so wouldn't be a good idea to add me in order to get some.
as someone chats to you, you need to right click on the icon and then you will have the option to add!
Im not sure where people originally get them but i know if someone uses one when talking to you you can right click it and there is an option to save it. along with this is the option of what you have to type for it to come up e.g. if you type hello, when you then type hello in the messenger window this animation will appear. which is why i usually save mine by some obscure No etc so they dont start appearing when i dont want them too. all of the animations are saved along with the emoticons so you can always usethem any time even if you forget the sort cut typing you chose.
hope thats not too complicated!! just ask if ive confused you
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lol at skreechboy, but thanks you two, she realises now now to get them, thanks
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thanx wardie100,no thats not complicated, she's gonna try it out with her friend,

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animated words

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