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Second baby labour???

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andrea81 | 10:36 Wed 19th Mar 2008 | Pregnancy
18 Answers
People always say that your second baby's labour happens quicker, but as I had a C-section last time, does this mean my body will react to labout as a second baby. Or will it be like my first time?

Hope that makes sense! x


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I haven't had a caesarean but I can tell you my second labour was very short. I started having contractions at 10pm,laboured on the ward till midnight(no pain relief),got to delivery suite where the midwife broke my waters then left me alone.By the time she came back in 20 minutes later my daughter's head was already out,one more push and it was all over...................apart from the retained
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That sound ideal daffy, I think I'll book in for one of them! I wish!

x x x
No c section but first labour start to finish 8 hours, second labour 2 hours tops.
ive been told that 2nd labour lasts about two thirds the time of first but thats because your body has been throuhg it before. So i suppose how far you got before a c-section really.
is that the reason or is it another. Aherm bucket springs to mind lol
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I dilated to 6cm quickly, they didn't even believe me when I said I was in labour. After that I was knocked out! Hopefully that's a good sign that if my son wasn't in distress It would have gone well!

Or that's what I'm telling myself! x
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4get - LOL

Lets hope you're right and only a little cough and out she pops! x
4get, just because my consultant insinuated it was due to 'slackness' doesnt mean its true lol

no thats just your pants :-)
First labour (from established) was 4 hours 19 minutes, 2nd labour, I never reached established labour until her head popped out so was recorded as 4 minutes! The whole labour 2nd time round was just over 3 hours.

Everyone is different though, I know of ,ladies who had shorted 1st labours.
I am most definitely not slack down below i'll have you know madam 4get!!! lol.
My 3rd labour went on for about a million years..............well actually it was 7 hours but it felt like a million years cos they had to give me an oxytocin drip and it makes the contractions more painful,and they couldn't get the epidural in (curved spine) so I did it all on gas and air.
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Trouble is that I hate the feeling of being drunk, so I can't imagine I'm gonna like gas and air, I hate the thought of an epidural and pethodin was rubbish last time!

Oh my gosh, what a fun day it'll be! x
try a water birth, or at least a bath as long as you can.

also breathing right can help, slowly in through nose and out of mouth.

See if that helps before trying gas and air or other method.
i had an emergency c section with my first but had normal labour with my waters broke on the day he was due with labour lasting 14hrs.midwife said that was a good time.i hope that this time i will go again on time with no hassles but with less time at labour lol,when again are you due im at the end of april.
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I'm due 22nd of May, I think I'm the last of the bumps on here!

I'm really trying to avoid a c-section, but I think I'm making myself paranoid over a natural birth and just hope it goes well!

I'm not sure how long is good for labour, I was hoping an hour max!!! x x
Morning andrea, well I was in labour about 2 hrs 50 mins I reckon and out she popped, first child. I only had gas and air and to be honest I thought it was useless, more of a placebo effect if anything, just a distraction. I have had bigger highs of a cigarette!
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Hi Warpig, hope little one is doing ok.

Ye, I think that gas and air would only get on my nerves, I hate being fussed over, yet alone having to breath out of a gas thingy!

Hope I have one of those 'movie style' out they pop labour! x x
my first labour was 36 hours. i was 5cm for 32 hours, then they give up and give me a c section. my second was a planned c section so took about 20 minutes. what a difference!!

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Second baby labour???

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