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On the loo for 2 years??!!........................

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funnygirl | 14:32 Thu 13th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I have just read in the Metro newspaper of a woman who stayed on the loo literally for 2 years!!!!! Can you believe this??? Would you stay on the loo for 2 years??? Could you??!! on the loo


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may be its her seat
while watching tv

i couldnt il get ring s on rings
bet her but is sore with sitting that long
2 yearsssssssssss lol
She must go to the same curry house as me.
Did she eat all her meals there too? What about bathing?
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Did she have some sort of disability and her carer just plonked her there and left her? I hope someone gets her the help she needs now.
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She had withered away, so I don't even think she ate.

Her boyfriend was arrested.

Imagine him knocking on the door, "Are you gonna be much longer darling??!!"
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On the loo for 2 years??!!........................

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