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Hiya guys and girls, sorry havent had a mo since starting new job!

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alinic | 19:27 Wed 12th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Getting on fine! so tired! but hey wait till the pay cheque comes in!
regards alinic


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Hi Alinic,

Hope the job is living up to your expectations!

The first week in any new job is hellish!!
Whats your new in alinic? Just wondering!!
Hope you liking it so far.
Hi ali, glad to hear all is going well, keep smiling and stick with it, it will get easier. xx
Hi alinic, hope you like your new job. Yes, the reward is usually worth the exhaustion! ;)
Keep in touch :) x
So pleased you are getting on well alinic , sounds as though you've been non-stop .:-) xxx
Question Author
thanks for your kind words, sorry i wouldnt rather say what i am doing if thats okay.
So i will try and get on here at times, but its a mad house in here first thing in the morn so no early hellos from me! but will try!
regards alinic
I'm glad you're enjoying your new job Alinic. I went back to work on Monday after having a couple of weeks off and I've been rushed off my feet. I don't have time to go on to AB at work and then when I get home i come on here for a bit then flake out!
Glad to hear that it's working out well - it takes a while to get used to a new system doesn't it?
Are you the new AB ed?
Hi, glad the new job is ok, it will be tiring till you get into it.
Best wishes, Wee Al

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Hiya guys and girls, sorry havent had a mo since starting new job!

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