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banjobabe | 13:34 Tue 04th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

a star giver?

BB xx


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Are you?
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wait and c.

p.s thanx for the stars xx

BB xx
Sometimes I am. But sometimes I give a couple of replies stars and then cant be arsed doing anymore.
yes indeedy doodee
Not really but I get a bit miffed when somebody who is doesnt award me :-(( What happens to them anyway?
I dont do the reward thing.
i dont expect stars either
its very old ab

i prefer to think of myself as a free thinker


who needs em

D T H BB????����
Question Author
Ok leggy,

You wont get any then.

Free thinker???

WTF does that mean?

BB xx
Think for myself
dont follow the crowd
not influenced by others
not afraid to speak my mind

take your stars bb and put em in a box
you might need em 1 day doll xxx

D T H ?

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