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Happy Mothering Day

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EngTeach | 16:05 Sun 02nd Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
To all the moms out there, hope you are having a good day and that you are being treated like a Queen.


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Thanks Engteacher - it's been great. hope your day's gone OK as well, whatever you've been doing. x
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Bless, knobby - i think theirs is on a different day. Still - I'm sure the flowers'd be appreciated. x
Hello EngTeach , hope you are having a good day too honey ;-) xxxxx
Thanks EngTeach. Isn't mothers day on the same day each year in America? I wish that they would standardise that and Easter here.
Had a nice day - haven't seen my two but have had some chocolate :-) I took my elderly mum out to lunch.
thats lvly

e t i feel like
the queen the day

lv lots

from the north east xxx
Hi ET and everbody,

Hope you are all having a lovely Mothers Day. I'm off round to my parents now to cook a roast dinner for my mummy (and daddy and brother).

Have a nice day.
Aw, thanks, EngTeach - that was really nice of you! I got a cuppa tea in bed this morning from K Jnr, who didn't get home till 2am, but still got up to do the livestock for me. My Mother's Day card was a "Thank You" card, because he'd left it too late to buy one and the shops had sold out! Still, it was a very nice card, with a lovely message inside from him - it's the thought that counts, isn't it?
That was brilliant Kleiber - x
Hi EmgTeach-My 22yr old left it too late to post I shall have something in the mail one day...meanwhile I am doing guilt trip on her!!
Glad it made you smile, Ice - it was true, too!! I found an old Mother's Day card that he'd made for me, when he was about 6, in the drawer by the computer - it was so sweet, I almost took it and put it on the mantlepiece with today's - in fact, I think I will!!
Oh bless!!! Go and do it, K - that's beautiful!!!
Thats lovely Engteach, im not a mum but ive got one and im in with you on the wishing all mum's a very happy day!!
She seems a very nice person doesn't she? x
Hi everyone, I am not a mum but am a Godmother to the loveliest girl in the world who gave me a "Happy Godmothers day" card. Wee soul

Hope all you mums had a fab day and were indeed spoiled rotten. You deserve it.


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