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Hungover and Tired at work!!! :o(

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mistys | 14:13 Sat 01st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I've got sooo much to be doing but really cannot be bothered to get up and do it!
Anyone wanna come peel 100's of potato's and prepare million's of veg for me???? Pleasssse!!
Ok, don't blame you.
I need to get my head together, got a party to go to tonight!!! Bring on the RedBull :o)

How are you spending your day?


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the most important thing tho mistys is that you can walk in those shoes lol

im just monging it today, not doin much
are you in the army
all those spuds grrrrrrrr

hope your hangover goes before you party
iv got the voddy il have sum of your red bull

hi misty x
I should be vaccuming the moggy fur off the carpet but I can't be bothered. Lol
Question Author
Hey Everyone

Yes weeal I can finally stand up in them! I shall be the belle of the ball tonight. At least I will be till about my 6th drink then I predict they'll be in a pile in the corner of the room and I'll be dancing bare foot LOL!

I've just chooped six brocolli, gonna tackle the carrots now. It's worse mont, I work in a pub kitchen!! Damn mothers day!
Your be lucky to get this RedBull off me, I'm hugging it close to me! Still on my first can, but think I'll be having a few more during the day.

It's a saturday tigger, relax :o)

a pub
sneak a few voddys in then
youll feel much better
thanks for the bull lvly
in my vodka now

stuff the shopping xxxxxxx

bare foot dacing eh how bigs the heels on them shoes

il lend you these to walk home in

dont scratch them plese xxxx lol
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Hmmm not sure I could manage a voddie yet, give it a few hours and something to eat then I'll be fighting fit and back on them!
They are about 3 1/2 inches, which I know isn't huge but I'm not to good with heels anyway.

Oooh I could so do with some of them in my handbag for the jouney home. Think I'll be getting a taxi tho, a drunk Misty doesn't do walking!! Neither does a sober one either actually LOL

heres a starter then xxxxxxxx

have a good night misty xxxx
Question Author
If you'd shown me that an hour ago my head would still be spinning :o)
I'm feeling a bit better now, just tired!
Have to keep doing actual work, which sucks!

Might pour myself one about 4ish :o)
is that when you finish

im at work tommorow

daft shifts

7 30 am to 10 30 am

3 pm to 6 pm

i hate it as im ready to kip after dinner xxxxxxx
Question Author
Ermm no, I finish work at 5:30. Was gonna have a few cheeky ones to get through the last bit. I've only got an hour to get showered and ready to go out too!!!
Yeah I'm working tomorrow, I don't think I'll be much use tho. Think I'll be on the RedBull again!!
Where about's do you work?
in a social club

clean mornings
and bar manager at night or after noon

hate the match days tho

as the drink set in they get cheeky

i just stuff nuts on the counter

so why they chewing them i get peace

sometimes do a buffy for them depends whos playing at the time

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Hungover and Tired at work!!! :o(

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