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Who wants to come back to my party??!

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mistys | 23:36 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Things seem to be getting a little heated on some threads!
I'm sitting here alone, all dressed up and sipping my drink through a straw!
Anyone wanna join me??

Please leave mean and nasty comments at the door, thank you!


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Salad? Pah! Bring on the sweeties!!
Glad you've taken over the hostess duties Shanx, leaves me free to carry on getting drunk!!
This stuff in the fountain is going down a treat!!! hic!!
no probs , music going up on your feet , well if you cant get up just cross your legs :)
misty theres a big dish of pofiterols in front of you < are you drunk again ?
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I can always get up to dance!! I've whipped me shoes off so can kinda balance now!!

So what we got?? I fancy a bit of Girl's Aloud!! ure=related
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Moi? Drunk? Never!! Hic - oops!
yeah why not , look at all these b****dy dishes sod it will leave them till the morning nite xx
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You off Shanx?? OK well thanks for a lovely party, you are one hell of a mover on the dance floor!!
I'm just gonna finish this power cocktail you made, sluuurpp!! Yum.

Night xxx

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Who wants to come back to my party??!

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