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I have just emailed the ed to delete my name form the site

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dot.hawkes | 03:14 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Legend has forced me to leave this site with his constant attacks whenever i am posting. i don;t need the hassle.


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Dot you attacked me first tonight
see you tomorrow like whiffy

drama queen

Don't go Dot. He has no right to make you feel this way. I don't know what he has said but is it worth reporting him?
I'm not sure you and I have ever conversed, Dot.
But please don't let Stevie and his tantrums drive you away. I think he's particularly snappy at the moment because he's got into an argument or two with me....................And he's looking for easy know what bullies are like.

Sleep on it ?


im piiissin myself here

dot came on the chatterbank thread and i asked her to leave .

Monkey how ssilly you are.

Oh btw this is the 2nd time this year dots left.

carry on lol.
oh for goodness sake people, don't you follow the threads. Dot has no intention of leaving so don't worry yourselves - she'll still be here at christmas. It's just a `poor me' ploy, ignore it.
sweetpea monkeyboy was in the initial thread before you

spot the fool looking for support?

monkey not dotty

sweetpea are you on sports ab?
Good. Let's hope she'll be here to whupp Stevie into shape.....
monkeyboy wanna chat?
ive asked you three times?

or cant you afford a call to spain?

well monkey wanna put up or shut up?

i know you aint got the nuts .

well unless thyre ready salted Boy

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I have just emailed the ed to delete my name form the site

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