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bbc1 the secret

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leg_end758 | 23:42 Tue 19th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Anyone watching this?
Do you believe in this self help stuff or do you think its nonsense?


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ultimately everybody self helps on some level?

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were all gonna die.

cant help that can we ?
'Help from within is invigorating - help from outside is enfeebling.'

Been to some business seminars where gurus have spoken of self help. They have huge positivity which is infective. I think self belief is a better description, and the secret.

Believing myself to be strong and capable has got me thru -on most occasions. I actually think weak people repel me!
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i wonder if tony robbins is eightball?

he just said .
look around the world successful people are strong the do it the achieve it

they own it??????

sounds like owned to me
well erm no as humans cant help the fact that we have short life spans and that we die
we as in we as humans that is!
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we are pretty powerless .
as the guy talking about freud said.

thinking we have power over our life is misleading i think
Well being successful makes you feel strong, as if you could achieve anything. I suppose successful people make the world as well.

'Install the software within themselves.....'
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life is difficult ??

what a revelation eh ?
We do not have power - true. Leg - you yourself said life is like a river .... but you can make a difference to your life with the right attitude.

It's all down to knowing what you can change and what you can't.
man cant even live in peace
Acorns become oak trees - but you have to plant the acorns.
is man even certain about the origins of the acorn?!

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bbc1 the secret

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