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wendilla | 12:24 Sun 17th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
You have all heard of the village idiot .Well there is a couple of pc idiots on here every day. Do you know who they are?


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Ah you mean Lone Ranger and Tonto? Kemo Sabe.

Yes, we indeed know who they are - do they?
batman and robin/?
Berk (sic) and Hare ?
I think we all have differring opinions of who the PC village idiots are though wendilla. and anyway, every good village needs its own idiot! Just wouldn't be the same without em now would it??
I know who mine are but im keeping schtum! lol
Give me a K

Give me an L
oh btw, i am one of em ;-)
 It's no secret julie who they the moods noticeably degenerate upon their arrival here
i have to say thoughsir prize, too many people on here spend too much time posting about them and so it looks as if they have taken over. Most of their attention id brought on by others.

Maybe if everyone wasn't so pre occupied with them, it might just die down and ger back to how it was. :-)
Wendilla the sceptics amongst us may think youre trying to cause more trouble on a quiet morning .
Personally i think youre just teasing.
Well arent you ?
sorry, typos there, i havent slept much! :-)

Julie - my sentiments exactly. However, there are none more vulnerable than the weak - and some people on here (viz the idiots) thrive on exploiting any signs. Proven time and again - if someone appears timid - they get both barrels fired at 'em. Oh for an ideal world
Your village has been on the phone, they said "�podemos tener nuestra parte posteriora del idiota?"

I must object to the term "village idiot".
The correct term is "Micro diverse community intelligence deprived person"
Thank you.
are some people so insecure with who they are that they have to pick on others in order for them to feel good? this site is free and open 24 hours to anyone.

i'm beginning to believe that legend and knobbynonuts have been right all along about folk on here picking on them. by constantly attacking them just proves how jealous some people are of them.

this site is dead and boring without them. even the arguments and controversy they cause help to make the site exciting. knobbynonuts post are alway funny and give most on here a laugh. some of you are hypocrites and pretend you don't enjoy the squabbles, but yet you post complaining about them. didn't you read them to know what they contained?

and one last thing, by constantly ranting about them only proves their importance to this site. give it a rest and leave them to hell alone. they are not hurting anyone.!!!!
Well i never .
Chaterbox we must meet.
First rounds on moi.
Can i ask , are you using a green name to protect yourself from abuse or because youre shy ?
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