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jules77 | 07:54 Sat 12th Jan 2008 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
I have been sent this from RDF Media and as I am not interested wondered if someone else is. It is reliable and not spam.

'I am a Researcher for a Television Company called RDF Television and I am currently working on a new series of Channel 4's Wife Swap.

For our new series we are looking for families that are very passionate about animals. In particular I am looking to speak with families that pamper their pets or dedicate a lot of time and money to their animals.

Our show reflects how diverse British family lives are today and gives families an opportunity to share interests and their chosen lifestyle. We are particularly looking for a family with children still in the home who would be interested in sharing their passion for their pets with another family.

I was wondering whether you may be able to forward this email out to your friends/family or any clients that you feel may be suitable.

I would also love to hear from you if you think you might be interested?! It would be great if you gave me a quick call on 0207 013 4497 or email me back at [email protected] if you or the families you know would like to discuss this further.
Of course all calls are confidential and there is absolutely no obligation at this stage.'


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Jules- wonder if Gravitate would apply !!
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beejay, well it did cross my mind!!
wtf this question is related to animals and me asking about the rights of dogs are not. I dont want to ank any more questions anymore i will come on here and insult you pathetic non achieving losers
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so gravitate what does that mean in english?
jules, Have you never seen one of those wife-swap programs? They NEVER seem to pair up couples with similar interests/backgrounds as that doesn't make 'good' TV. Anyone responding to this request can be assured that if selected, they will be in for a bumpy ride. You have been warned.

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