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good or bad?

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justineo | 00:28 Wed 19th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I've had a true blue dratsab of a year. How about you? Is 2007 a year to be forgotten or was it truly memorable for the right reasons?


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Its been good, bad and sometimes ugly this last year. Work has been sh!te all year though!
truly glad to see the back of 2007. Its been a crap year
Worst year of my life -I cant wait to see another year in.I have never looked forward to Hogmonay so much.
well my marriage broke up in 2007! My choice and i cant say im unhappy about it but its always a sad situation. so not the best yesr ive ever had for many reaons! Bring on 2008!
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pretty crap year, some incredibly funny/good bits but mostly *****, still there's always next year

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