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Two of my fav hero's look alike!!

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taliesin238 | 17:09 Fri 14th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Good god ive just realised after all these years!!! Two of my all time favourite heros look soooo much like one another. They are no other than the greatest Leonard Cohen and Al Pacino!! Surely you must agree!!!


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Leonard Cohen is a genius song writer!! Love him soooo much and Al Pacino, well he is my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im one of pacinos biggest fans i think he is georgeous im going to look up leonard now , i love the italian look
i think he looks more like dustin hoffman , al pacino is much much better looking ! _id=29823&image_hotlinked
yes I know, I had the 'Songs of' album many many years ago and then when pacino starred in Serpico I saw the movie and thought just that, never gave it another thought til u posted this!
Oh and My fave Cohen album is now I'm Your man, I play First we take manhattan very loud in my car when i am angry
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Yeah I can see the connection between Cohen and Dustin Hoffman!! Nobody could ever size up to Al Pacino!! He is the epiphany of all men!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which flm do u think he is sexiest in REDHEAD? Im torn between Heat and Scent of a Woman!!
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Dot Hawkes, i think my fav Cohen song would have to be 'who by fire'.
tall- scarface ohaooo love him in that , i also think he is nice in dog day afternnoon although i hate the fil , i think he is so fit !!!
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Godfather part II aswell!!! It was Tony Montana that got me into Pacino though I have to admit

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Two of my fav hero's look alike!!

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