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What a wedding !

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PatriciaH | 23:47 Wed 12th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers


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That was awesome, I was fascinated- weren't it great? heh!
What on earth are we breeding?
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Hi BOO i think its a gypsy wedding and the bigger the "dress" the better the wedding is (status symbol )
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Traveller not gypsy...
Pikey, not Traveller or Gypsy
Reminded me of a Katie Price thing - but it's each to their own, isn't it?
You have got to be kidding!!!!! In NYC we call that "Ghetto Fab-u-lus!!!!!
Morning ET - do you REALLY??? Laugh my head off!!! Awwww..... Btw - can I add you to my friends list? Erm...and if so...where do I find you????
Morning ET - do you REALLY??? Laugh my head off. Awww...
Great piece of film,
Sadly let down by the authenticity.... the pews were nearly empty.
You would have thought all their school friends would have bunked off and filled the church... in real life.
The bridesmaids managed a day off, so it was either school holidays or 'true to life' a good excuse for not attending educational requirements.

Laughed my head off at that one!!!! How very true! x
Chewing the brides face off at the altar is so
OMG! That is jaw dropping.

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What a wedding !

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