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Why the hell

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kp nonuts | 20:37 Wed 12th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Has knobby been put in the dungeon tonight and all posts have been removed all of a sudden. He has not dun nuffin wrong tonight not even overposted and jules he told me to tell you to stop making them noises in the cell next door. So what the fking hell is going on with this ab just lately everybodys getting put in the cells for nothing and I for one am fed up with it so I am leaving to find a new sprouting land with whiffey. Please dont try to tempt me to stay as you might be disapointed and I might stay


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exactly just posted something about you!!!!
you have been such a good boy as well xx
Hi knobby, it may just be an error. The same happened to me last night, i couldn't post anything and anything i had posted was removed. Think it happened to a few others also.
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knobby what you in dem cells for man???
Am in in there too mon, cos I been darin to post on here too....
<best eastend accent... woss goin on!!!>

You still on my mates list so guessin you got it wrong mon!

there's that double negative again, if he has not done nuffin he has done something, Lucy thomas feeds on such erroneus posts (did i spell that right yikes!!!!!!)
Well if knobby in dem cells I wanna go too.........
.... me thinks it needs a grown-up down there to empty the bucket....

.... besides, if the best folks is downstairs, I wanna be there for all the fun!!

Anyone for a fondant fancy?

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Missy for some reason if you get put in the dungeon you can still get on friends lists and still send personal messages.
But to be honest I think the ed has got her head on back to front at the moment so lets just hope that the new year will straighten it out.
Lol, poor deluded knobby..... ED has changed from an upfront professional woman to a street-walkin' street talkin' guy before our very eyes over the last couple of months! Or is it only me that has noticed (and has kept this quiet).

She is not going to rescue you mate, I think we need to sign a petition or write to an MP or the Queen or summit.....

The dungeon must be pretty crowded and if I may say so, a little smelly right now..... best get you out prompto!!!!

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Right send in the A team now as knobby needs to get out to see the arsenal match tonight that has just kicked of.

I don't wish to seem thick but what is this dungeon which everyone talks about? I know that there's a limit to the number of posts you can do in a specific time but how do you know if you are put in this dungeon and how do you know who else is in there?
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You never ever wanna go there bensmum its not nice in there.
Think it was maybe your Chris Moyles thread -just wonder what peoples definition of havin a larf is !!!!

I do so wish that people would say they had reported something or just avoid it if it was distasteful to them.

I despise all the backhandedness of reporting TBH -I always post if necessary that I am reporting the thread or post.

Feel like im walking on eggshells on here just now -i mean we all jawbee dont we?

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