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seeing double quiz

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dumanddummer | 14:25 Wed 12th Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
all answer must start with the same letter
51 Do royal Marines enjoy these cheery jokes 5,5
60 might he toast "absent friends" relatively speaking 4,9
61 peculiar offspring? but a favourite! 4,2
69 music hall character who liked to lie-in 10,6


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61 odds on
51. Jolly Japes ("Jollies" is apparently a knickname of the Royal Marines)
I know Slaney has already answered 60 a couple of times. Have you tried looking previous answers Dumanddummer?

61. odds on
Hint for 69 ... "I'm .........: I rise at 10.30"
Question Author
thanks for the hint it was a great help

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seeing double quiz

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