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Oi, Rev!

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whiskeysheri | 16:56 Thu 06th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What's with the "terminated friendship", mardy bum? :o)


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Strange squidge, he deleted me from his list too, can't think why though? :)
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what does "mardy" mean, is that a regional word?
stroppy n moody
Bill, 'mardy' is the most underated phrase ever, it generally means grumpy, narky, grouchy, stroppy, you get the picture :)
He should have mailed you to explain ~ he did it to me!

Miled me, that is :o)
*mailed* I don't know what *miled* is..but at least it isn't *nailed* lol

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Oi, Rev!

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