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banjobabe | 11:16 Wed 05th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I don't seem to be able to get page two of chatterbank, is it just me or do we have a problem? BB xx


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It's you
I've logged in on the old format, I tried on the 'new and improved' earlier and couldn't get the previous page.
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Cheers 4GS,

Perhaps I will go back to the old one then.

BB xx
im using the old page and its a lot quicker
It is normally around this time AB goes on the blink!!
So fingers crossed!
Question Author
I'm so fed up of having to use the old one, I really like my avatar at the mo!

Wot a waste!

Good morning to you all.

BB xx
Morning banjobabe , I can get onto it on the old AB too , I usually have both AB s open and find the old loads pages quicker but I use the new AB too when it is working ok. :-)
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Hey Bigmamma,

It's such a pain isn't it? I can't have both up as I am at work and I keep getting caught lol

BB xx

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