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banjobabe | 11:44 Fri 30th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
It would appear that she has been banned although we have no idea why? I have asked her for tips as I have never been banned, but she seems unaware of the reason for it all. She just wanted me to let you all know BB xx


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Good riddance to bad rubbish lol
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Terrible isn't it in this day of so called 'free speech'.
Let's hope she is not banned for long.
Pippa....nooooo! The usual practice is to set up a freedom party to liberate the bannee. Is that in order? X
was pippa getting server error messages just before?
Ive been suspended 3 times in the last week due to the faults on AB. Ive now learnt to accept the error and not try and re-post (the system thinks youre spamming otherwise). The post then appears anyway
Get her to email the ed and im sure she'll soon be back.
Where's Pippa from? We could do like they did with Deirdre, "Free the Weatherfield on". Pippa will have to be "Free the Answerbank one".
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Go for it leelapops.

Apart from anything else, there's not a lot else going on her this morn.

BB xx
i think Im suspended again too now!

bb, there isn't really is there! A quiet one, it seems. x
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I think Mr ReverandFunk has gone now too
rev is still online according to that 'friends on-line thingy
When I was banned (thought I was banned anyway) I read the T&C and the Site Rules but I couldn't figure out the reason why I was.

Pippa - if you can see this try the contact us bit at the bottom. I sent 2 emails and Legend says it works.
I only thought Rev had gone because he had some posts on a thread and they're not there now.

Very odd.
Quick, someone get a cake with a file in it to Pippa before BOO comes and eats the cake!
Am I back yet?
Are red and 4get around? I haven't seen them for ages either, and think Red's posts have disappeared from your "How Big?" thread, Psy. She did post on there didn't she? I'm sure I didn't imagine it.....

Maybe they've all been abducted by aliens.

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