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What's all this then?

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banjobabe | 13:38 Fri 30th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I don't seem to be able to ask Mickyilly to be my friend but I can't and I don't know why. Any ideas? BB xx


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If they haven't ticked (or is unticked?) the PM facility on their profile then you won't be able to add them as a friend.
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Thanx Boo,

i knew there would be an easy answer I just didn't know what it was!

BB xx
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Hey Nonuts,

Lets sort this out now then shall we?

BB xx
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Question Author
Hey Nonuts,

You have banjosister - that's me!

I have just had a look and I'm def there!

And I've just invited you to be bb friend.

Off to lunch.

BB xx

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What's all this then?

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