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what wierd things do u collect?

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kitten_uk2 | 19:30 Sat 17th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
i collect tesco chillie's (snowmen teddys) i have 7 so far, and when tesco get them onto there shelves this month that will be 8. ;-)
when i was younger i collected postcards and different soaps.
anyone collect anything??????????


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stray smarties or m&m's i see lying about on the pavement, or the roadside,.... if my hamster's been disobedient/ irritating, i feed them to him.
junk unfortunately, before I moved out I had a big clearout, it was great... a few months later and the things that "we never use but cant throw away" are starting to appear
i collect monkies and footballs...have several of each...want more
Bad Taste Bears,I only have 4 so far as nobody is prepared to buy me any as presents. :-(
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I can't understand why not, daffy ;)

I once bought my partner "Archibald", on a keyring, as that's his middle name!!

I used to collect candles, but then I started to use them-I am not so attached to them now unless they are gifts or rarities, in which case I will only keep them as decorative items. I do kind of collect photographs, in that I have lots of them. But then photos seem to be the in-thing right now...

I suppose in that sense, then, I collect memories! :)

Oh, and wooden animals, as I got some given and they look nice on my shelf! X

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what wierd things do u collect?

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