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What did you all have for dinner ?

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smi_ffy | 21:11 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
While I'm on that subject, what is your most favouritest colour ?

Am I your fabbiest ABer ?



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Red, some sort of pie and veg, and no
fish broccoli and sweetcorn, yellow, categorically, no chips peas ......not sure
spag bol, plenty parmesan, glass white wine


nope lol
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You had Red for dinner ? What is this.

And why am I not ?
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Dot - You can stop the denial. I have it on good authority that I am your most fabbiest ABer ever.

Proof pending.
Birds eye potato waffles (undercooked), findus crispy pancakes (exploded) spagetti (normal). it was a bit rank.


You havent heard of a food called red...does that mean you have heard of the colour "pie and veg"?

I dont know you yet smiffy

Gimme time ;)
I haven't eaten yet because it is too exciting on here !! But I will be having roast chicken, brussels sprouts, boiled potatoes and chilli sauce. All of which I can prove.
Wow that has to be the most unappetising dinner I've ever heard of b13thy !!
Have you seen the movie elf ?? Your meal reminded me of that, when he has breakfast...

Chicken curry
and no, sorry !
baby.. you are incorrect. yes it was awful but not as bad as my worst meal ever....pancakes smothered in heinz tomato soup ***vomit***

i have never forgiven my father
lol b13thy !!

Strangely, my sister would probably like that, anything with tomato sauce is good for her.
Tomato soup. Red. No.
smiffy now did you contrive to put 'good' and 'authority' into one of your posts, was it fer a bet?
Gammon, new potatoes and brocolli

I don't really know you smi_ffy so don't feel able to make that judgement as yet!
Toasted cheese sandwich. I wasn't in the mood for cooking.

Mint green. Found it in the dulux range.


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What did you all have for dinner ?

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