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Butternut Squash Recipies

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4GS | 23:36 Tue 18th Sep 2007 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
Any suggestions on Butternut Squash please?


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Slice your squash in half & remove the seeds.
Place the 2 halves (skin side down) on a baking tray. Drizzle with olive oil, season, & put in the oven (gas mark 5) for 40-50 mins.
Make up some couscous according to the instructions on the packet. (I usually bung in a load of other ingredients, depending on what I have, i.e. chopped apricots, chopped nuts, sultanas, coriander...anything you like).
When the squash is cooked, fill the cavity with the couscous & serve.
Preparation time for this is about 3 minutes, so it's my kind of cooking!
I forgot to mention....when you cut the squash in half, do it lengthways.

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