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proud to be british

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dfward | 14:48 Mon 30th Jul 2007 | News
133 Answers
is it time to give britain back to the british. Boot out politically correct barstewards and give us , the caucasian british our country back. The money we will save on supporting scrounging foreigners and lives will be saved by booting out all ***** , muslims etc will enrich our lives and secure our future as a great nation


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It's ok Splat , put the spade down, that holes big enough now, you can stop digging....
sp1814, I did think that whilst reasoned argument may not persuade the orginal poster that if they got rid of all those they didn't think worthy of being British, the prospect of being stuck on this island all alone apart from Neilzulu would persuade even the most hardened bigot to change thier mind.
Now Neilzulu has been taken away, his post deleted, do you think AB just couldn't face the prospect either?

by the way when he comes back who is brave enough to ask him nicely why he has Zulu as part of his username, and point out where the Zulu's come from!
Oh Ruby, such a boring freak. The reason Zulu is on my name is a reference to the supporters of Birmingham City Football Club. No hidden meaning, so sadly you have made yourself look a complete fool.

Why you keep on bringing my name up in various threads is more a mystery to me? Try friends reunited or a dating agency if you find it hard to make friends you ****.

Leave me out of your posts please, and go and get a life !!
Question Author
interesting debate guys.... as already been said i ,the author of the question, am not british. NO dont get on your high horses about me i just thought on a boring monday lunchtime to pose the question. By doing so everyone thinks ,wrongly, i am 'racist' which is totally a misnoma. Well the sun is shining , kind regards to all of you and be good honest and pleasant to everyone
Neil - Ruby is only guilty of knowing nothing about Birmingham football supporters.

If she bores you then don't respond to her.

But I don't think there's any need to be so venomous.
No i beg to differ, she was trying to create a link to African Zulus, no doubt to question my stance on immigration.

I will have nothing to post in response if she stops mentioning me in her posts.

Does that sound fair ?
Not addressing each other would seem an appealing prospect from an outside ABers perspective. Potty mouth can upset our delicate pixels.
lol, potty mouth....quality.

Your post from last night was over the top though...doncha think?
Granted, sorry people.

"...(sp), NJOK and Gromit would/will drive me nuts if there's ever a thread we disagree on"

i'll be watchin - Tick Tock ;-)
Bl00dy walking encyclopedias the lot of ya... Not to mention utter tick tocks if the mood takes. ;0)
Bit harsh to be honest, but I do fear that this country is being taken advantage of by many... Even WHITE British people. We have scroungers of our own!

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