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Eurostar - Straight through from the North?

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airbolt | 00:39 Wed 25th Jul 2007 | Travel
4 Answers
I know Eurostar will run from St Pancras from November this year.
I heard rumours that they were thinking of a " straight-through" service from stations like Nottingham and other main stations. It would have meant using a disused branch line to loop around st pancras and go straight for the tunnel.
Has anyone heard of this scheme ?


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noooo... but you should be able to change to a Nottingham train without leaving St Pancras, which would be a step forward
Well yes they've been 'thinking about it' for years. Doesn't mean it will happen.
Doesnt that mean running a tunnel beneath London, Nth/Sth from the Kings Cross/St Pancras area. I dont think that will happen just so you dont have to change trains.

Now a large bridge over London would be a sight !
almcd - they've already built that tunnel - it's east of London rather than south. It's how Eurostar will get to St Pancras in he first place

What's in doubt is whether there is sufficient traffic from towns outside London to warrant running a service. Particularly from place (like Nottingham) that would require electrification of their rail line.

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