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wolf63 | 19:56 Fri 29th Jun 2007 | Books & Authors
4 Answers
This afternoon I was trying to find the value of a book for the charity shop that I 'work' in. The book was by someone called "Meta".

The book was called "The broken fence" and seemed to be a religious type story.

I don't think that the book is of any value, but I was unable to find any trace of the author. This will annoy me.

Can anybody help me?


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How long since you were in a charity shop? :-)

Fiction sells for about 30% of the original selling price. All the books are in first class condition.

Non-fiction books are another matter. Most are worth a couple of pounds but the odd one is worth a couple of hundred pounds.

This one has probably got no real value - but the fact that I can't find it annoys me.


there is a web site at which may be connected but not sure
I've made a few pounds, now and again, by buying and selling books. As I'm sure you're aware, a book (like anything else) is only worth as much as anyone is prepared to pay for it. I certainly wouldn't hold out any great hopes of making much money from the title you refer to. It was published in 1887 by the Sunday School Union, which suggests that it was aimed at younger readers. The pseudonym 'Meta' was possibly chosen because of its dictionary definition of a 'change of position or condition' as a reference to the evangelical aims of the work.

Anyone researching books should have these two sites bookmarked:

1. For an indication of prices (although not relevant to the title referred to here), Abebooks:

2. For details of publication dates, etc, The British Library catalogue: login-bl-list


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