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mac webcam

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merton69 | 13:09 Wed 03rd Jan 2007 | Computers
6 Answers
Apart from Apple Macs own (expensive) webcam, is there a third party webcam (reasonable price) that is compatible on my G4 OSX Panther please?

Thanks in advance!


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I'm sure the webcam manufacturers take Macs into consideration, and will have the appropriate drivers on the installation disk.
But if you browse for a webcam in any supplier's, (even Tesco!) I'd have thought you would see on the box if it's suitable.
Most should work, even the ones that don't specifically state Mac on the box. Try a logitech one.
Question Author
Thanks guys but it isn't that straight forward!

I have tried a few already and that includes Logitech but still no joy. I do have third party software that will enable me to run a webcam but none found as yet!
Can you try it with iChat or amsn if using msn?
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No. The trouble is with logitech is they have a list of webcams that are supported with the use of Mac but only OSX Tiger. That ain't cheap to buy! I don't want an expensive one because it won't be used enough to warrant alot of expenditure. I will keep ploughing through the web to find one!
Try searching for "webcam" here:

I've just looked, and several suggestions are given.

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