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Things Are Already Starting To Get Better.

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gulliver1 | 19:51 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
11 Answers

England have beaten Switzerland Things can only get better.



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So they should have!

What a shower on the pitch! Useless.


I thought Keir Starmer took his penalty well.

And yet, there they are Tilly, unbeaten and in the semi-finals. 

I'd rather win fortunately than play well and go home.

The England team were dire. We scraped though but it was not convincing.

But Holland are very bearable and we are in the final.

Beatable not bearable 🙁

Hope you're right grom

Nice goal though and then they took the penalties well....

I was amazed we finally won a shoot out!

Such criticism and yet England remain unbeaten. 

What could be preventing nicebloke1 from returning to answer my question? An insufficiency of intelligence, perhaps?

Good grief, how did that happen?  Apologies, that was meant to be a response to another conversation. Is there a way I can delete that last remark?

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