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Good Speech From The P M....

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ToraToraTora | 10:57 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
19 Answers

just seen it on YT I missed it yesterday. I must say he impressed me with his faith in the country. Such a refreshing change from the usual derogatory anti British lefty. So different from all the lefties on here that continually tell me what a decaying irrelevance we are.




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I thought he was wrong to start by mentioning Sunak's ethnicity,  I didn't like that one bit.  Apart from that I can't take any of what he said seriously.  I don't think he's genuine and never did.

Snap Naomi. 

I don't like hi, too smarmy by far. 

A bit of Neil Kinnock and Tony Blair wrapped in one. 


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Let's give the bloke a chance eh?

No more smarmy than David Cameron.

I'm not listening to any of them. I will judge by the results of what they do.

11.03 Not as genuine as Boris then, in your opinion.  Naomi.

No. When Boris said we were going to get out of the EU he fought for that against all the barriers the spoilers put up.

Not by a very long way, Gulliver.

Apart from that it was a decent enough speech. Maybe "his" government can start their service by admitting they have no intention of creating 'votes 4 kids'. Securing the borders against illegal economic immigrants & returning those already here would be good things to look at too since excess people is a major cause of present problems. Cut right down on legal immigration too.

I can't stand his disingenuous whiney voice so can't bring myself to listen to it.

Naomi 13.27 Do you mean that you honestly believe.        Hand on heart... that Boris is a genuine person.

Its what he didn't say that worries me. I would advise among other things, don't have any savings, don't have a private pension, don't drive, don't fly anywhere on holiday all these things will be taxed to the hilt, it's all about socialists control.

Damn, Tora is the voice of reason among the naysayers. Life is strange.

He'll be changing his avatar within a week.

Irrespective of what party we may or may not have voted for, surely we all want a Prime Minister and a government who are going to do what's right for the country.  When Starmer actually does some of the things he has talked about, he will be supported. One thing I do find divisive and unneccessary are his repeated references to working people- why doesnt he just say 'people'?  Why disenfranchise the retired?

ed miliband uk energy secretary, this guys a net0 zealot, all i foresee is massive job losses thus swelling the unemployed. well paid jobs in green energy ermm, what about the car industry, steel industry and others...what a poor choice for energy minister, all i see is blackouts and mass looting, then labour getting the boot.

He hasn't been got at by The Blob, yet Tora. Give it until after the school holidays when most of The Blob are back from Tuscany and they will set about him in earnest.

He made a better speech today. 

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