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Thank You For The Days......

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ToraToraTora | 11:02 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
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Not entirely sure you've grasped the gist there old fruit.

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oh yes I have, think of it as a congrats to the lefties from me.

Maybe TTT has just come to realise what an absolute disaster the last 14 years of Tory rule have been for the UK.

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12:43 It's been wonderful for me but now the party is over. I am hoping that Labour are not too bad. I quite enjoy Tom Walker's rants as pie and I thought this was a very good montage. I'll give Labour a chance to convince me they can be trusted to run the country.

Not at all bad - anything with a Kink's song....

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I prefer the Kirst MacColl version.

TTT recently revealed on this site that he is a millionaire, and now that the last 14 years have been wonderful for him – maybe he was one of those lucky Tories would took advantage of the corrupt VIP lanes, becoming enriched supplying dodgy PPE at grossly inflated prices.

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nope mine was all done by hard work and endeavour inspired by TGL.

I agree with TTT, the Kisrty MacColl version is cracking.

  It is a nice song and a clever video but Pie spoils it rather with his coarse language.

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Thank You For The Days......

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