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Reform Have Handed No 10 To Labour.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:02 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | News
49 Answers

3/4 of the Lab gains from Con were down to reform. The latest just in was Poole, Labour by 18 votes, over 7000 reform voters elected Labour. This has happened in 3/4 of the Labour gains.

"Vote reform - get Labour" - it seems was bang on.



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gulliver1 - get a new forum name - GULLIBLE1 😂

You may get a slapped wrist for that.

If Gulliver thinks Labour will repair anything he is gullible.  

> "Vote reform - get Labour" - it seems was bang on.

Yep, but that's the problem with FPTP. The problem with the Tories is that old cliché, "It's a broad church". Then you get people like ymb saying that left of the party (ie centre right Tories, possible remainers in the style of Ken Clarke) they are TINO. And the right of centre Tories feel that they're disenfranchised and start up another party - Reform.

It's very similar to Labour and Lib Dems. For years, the Tories have been the only mainstream right of centre party, but there have been two mainstream left of centre parties. So in the past, you might have said "Vote Lib Dem - get Conservative". But now Reform has upset the Tory applecart.

I don't usually comment on politics, but,   Just saying....

In my constituency the number of votes for Tory and Reform added together came to more than Labour.  
Therefore, as I see it, Labour won the seat even though more voters went against than for them.

Is it possible that given the repeated predictions of a landslide etc, significant numbers of Labour supporters did not feel they needed to go and vote, and so actual support for Labour was higher than the vote totals show?

By the same token perhaps the same could be said of Conservative voters.  Perhaps they felt it futile.


'So far, something pretty big is missing from Labour’s historic landslide: voters. Keir Starmer is set to win 64 per cent of the seats but on only 34 per cent of the votes. Labour in 2024 has achieved just 1.5 percentage points higher than the Jeremy Corbyn calamity in 2019 – and less than Corbyn managed in 2017. A split in the right has seen the Tory vote share drop from 44 to 24 per cent, but most of that went to Reform (on 14 per cent). Labour’s huge majority disguises one of the smallest – if not the smallest – vote share won by any postwar governing party.'

The Spectator (Australia)

Labour lost votes to the greens and also to a number of independents. regardless. there are now 6 independent MPs! one of them took jonathan ashworth's seat and another very nearly unseated wes streeting. 

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