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Good Morning Early Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:02 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

Well, I've had a total,of 30 mins sleep roughly. Ohhhh the joys of insomnia..... never mind!

it's dark, grey & tipping down with rain at the moment. Not sure what Wimbledon is being played today, if any, but whatever is going on it will be a washout if it stays like this. Have nothing major to do myself - just waiting for a delivery of a brand new electric pump for our shower - it decided to pack up yesterday! Now we love our power shower but MrSmow showers longer than anyone I have ever known in my entire life! Seriously, it's ridiculous! Have given up telling him he could have a bath in the time that he spends in the shower! So, new pump arriving today and our plumber guy is gona come and fit it for us.

So who is going to watch the England v Switzerland football game today? (5pm). We haven't done very well so far, and only just scraping thru matches so let's see if the boys can try and redeem themselves a bit later on!

What is everyone else up to then on this dreary day?? Or do some of you have sunshine?



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Hey don't irritate me - there are some lovely ones about made of silky stuff.  I've given them as pressies - probably from Amazon or Not On the High Street.  But I find the standard type you can get in pharmacies perfectly OK.

"They "  not "hey"  !!!

Morning.  I use eye masks on long haul flights.  They do they job.  

For anyone who has difficulty sleeping,  I'd recommend Magnesium works for me. Or a product called Natural Calm...also Magnesium but citrate. All available on Amazon. Magnesium acts as a relaxant...and its not a drug.

I couldn't use an eye mask or black out curtains...I get claustrophobic if I can't see a bit of light.

And before I forget...Good morning from me. I usually miss this as I often don't see it until late. I woke to blindingly bright sunshine at 6 am...and promptly turned over. Its very blowy here...and it hammered down 15 minutes ago.


Morning all, it's chucking it down here i n East Yorkshire. Thankfully I have nothing in particular to do and nowhere to be today. So it can do as it likes.
I'll try and get the socks for BIL finished, they've been on the needles too flipping long now.

Good morning Smow and everyone (What's left of it) well being a busy morning tidying up odd jobs around the place... aweful when you can't sleep I usually are nocturnal but trying adjust ones body clock after about an hours sleep thought well 8:15 may as well get up.

For sure I'll be watching England this afternoon judging by their performances this far I'm going to be watching 'Supernatural' this afternoon... to calm my nerves before the game. (yes you read that correctly.)

The Sun is trying but failing more than not oop here in West Yorkshire.

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Good Morning Early Saturday Birds!

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