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Mexican Asparagus

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sandyRoe | 07:54 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
7 Answers

The label on it says it's a product of Mexico.  It's good quality but don't we grow our own?



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July is a bit late for UK asparagus, UK season is 23rd April to the summer solstice, you can get it grown under glass from about mid-March.

We do. Our asparagus season is April to June but the weather hasn't helped 

Maybe it comes seeped in tequila ?

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As long as there's no worm in it 

Yours come from Mexico sandy,up here in Aberdeen ours come from Kenya.So much for reducing the carbon footprint?

That's nothing yet. Wait until not extracting oil & coal means we have to import it from China or somewhere equally far away.

As long as people want fresh produce all year round ie outside the UK growing season, then stuff will be imported from near and far. Waitrose has prepared sprouts currently from Kenya or Morocco, baby corn from India and it's surprising to see the amount of stuff from Chile and Peru etc.

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Mexican Asparagus

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